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There has been a lot of creative license taken over the centuries when it comes to our kind. The tales that are told have horrified humans and enticed them. But through all the folklore and fabrication, one thing remains constant - we are killers - blood thirsty, soul thirsty killers that are never entirely satiated, never entirely in control. It drives everything in our world. It defines us, and through it we can find those of our kind that must fall. That is our Purpose. There are many out there, walking in the day and night, out of control and never taught the histories. They are created in legions, take on a multitude of incarnations, and hide often in plain sight, counting on your disbelief or safely wrapped in your passionate fantasies. You serve them well. We appreciate the temptations romanticized in your literature and media. The regal caped barons, the glowing misunderstood heroes and the brutally sadistic deviants, all with the gifts we share to one extent or another. They are intended to lure you to feed their numbers, or increase them and thousands of you seek them out with your arms held wide for the demons kiss. But with this comes an obligation you have never dreamed of. The words written here merely tell of one beginning. In the three thousand years of our existence, we have found very few that have been able to master this without purpose. Fewer still can resist becoming what we are meant to destroy. The choice is yours . . . free will binds us all. I only ask that you know what we are before you call us out. Ask yourself if you are strong enough to control the demon once its inside you. You must choose between being part of the solution or just another problem. Understand how we are all by this origin bound. Bound Define Bound at Dictionarycom Bound definition simple past tense and past participle of bind See more 'Speak of the Devil' - the meaning and origin of this phrase Meaning A reference to someone who appears unexpectedly while being talked about Origin This phrase is used to acknowledge the coincidence of someone arriving at a Origin of Superman - Wikipedia The origin of Superman is the story that relates Superman's arrival on Earth and the beginnings of his career as a superhero The story has been through many Eukaryote - Wikipedia Eukaryotes and some examples of their diversity: Scientific classification; Domain: Eukaryota (Chatton 1925) Whittaker & Margulis1978: Supergroups and kingdoms The Origin of Demons - tbm Origin of Demons by Tom Brown Many people assume that fallen angels are the same as demons I don't believe this is true for several reasons First fallen angels Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Abstract This document defines a mechanism to enable client-side cross-origin requests Specifications that enable an API to make cross-origin requests to resources The Origin of Life - The TalkOrigins Archive A discussion main models on the spontaneous origin of life that aims to show how cellular complexity could have gradually emerged from simple systems in contrast Help Online - Origin Help - Interpreting Results of Multivariate Tests Origin will automatically perform multivariate tests along with repeated measures ANOVA In most cases multivariate tests are not as powerful as Bound - definition of bound by The Free Dictionary bound 1 (bound) intrv bounded bounding bounds 1 To leap forward or upward; jump; spring: The dog bounded over the gate 2 To move forward by leaps or Origin Tube - origintvcom Webmasters: trade here Buy and Sell traffic: here and here Disclaimer: origintvcom has a zero-tolerance policy against illegal graphy All galleries and links
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